Get to know Sportek more!

Sports Innovation Network…

Sportech creates an environment for individuals and groups from different sports centers, organizations, educational institutions, physiotherapy and clinics to create positive effects by exchanging knowledge and experiences.

Clinics, physiotherapy and orthopedic centers


Offices, organizations and educational institutions


Clubs, trainers and sports centers


Sport Biomechanics Lab

The Sport Biomechanics Lab is an applied science laboratory that consults with coaches, athletes, students, and people from the general community. The researchers analyze movements of the body to improve performance. Our lab is well equipped, that allows us to carry out a vast number of practical sport and exercise activities. The Sports Biomechanics Laboratory is concerned with the enhancement of understanding and performance in athletic events through modeling, simulation and measurement.

Sportechs Academy

Focusing on education, research and publication, Sportechs Academy provides its specialized scientific findings in a fully practical way for trainers, scientists and scholars in the field of sports, medicine and related fields. This academy is a place for those interested in research to develop their technical knowledge.

Sport Accelerator

As a specialized accelerator provider in the field of sports, Sportech’s commitment is to investing on innovation ideas as a startup in order to establishes and growth them. Our special services in this field include guidance. Mentoring, branding and financial support.

Biomechanics of foot

The human foot is a complex system that cushions the body and adjusts to uneven surfaces. It offers traction for movement, recognition of joint and body position for balance, and leverage for propulsion. Therefore, accurate recognition of foot abnormalities is very important, and by diagnosing these problems, we can prevent many diseases such as back pain, knee pain, and even arthritis of the joints.

Sport Charity

Sportechs is a charity working with participants from disadvantaged communities. We  focus on applying the power of sport to help people on their pathway so that they would be able to level up their quality of life.  We are committed to the holistic development of each of our participants, focusing on their health, education and personal development.

Sport Gen

Genetics plays a highly important role, particularly in sport activities and performance.. A professional athlete is a product of genetics and environment. Just take our specialized tests and we tell you what types of sports  fit your body.


Laboratory package for students

Special package for athletes

Special package for industrial centers and workshops

Workshops and training courses

Advice and guidance

With a team of specialized biomechanics experts, we are committed to helping athletes, coaches and sports enthusiasts understand and improve their sports performance through a scientific analytical lens.

Free consultation request form

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